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# Function Location
1 () JROOT/modules/mod_menu/tmpl/default_heading.php:38
2 include() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/helpers/header.php:14
3 HeaderHelper::displayMenuItem() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/views/subnav/tmpl/default.php:34
4 displayNav() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/views/subnav/tmpl/default.php:29
5 displayNav() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/views/subnav/tmpl/default.php:85
6 include() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:410
7 Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->loadTemplate() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:203
8 Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->display() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/views/subnav/view.raw.php:38
9 AISHUMenuViewSubNav->display() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:645
10 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/controllers/api.raw.php:36
11 AISHUMenuControllerApi->display() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/controllers/api.raw.php:20
12 AISHUMenuControllerApi->SubNav() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:678
13 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() JROOT/components/com_aishumenu/aishumenu.php:12
14 require_once() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
15 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
16 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:361
17 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:208
18 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:249
19 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:293
20 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT/includes/app.php:61
21 require_once() JROOT/index.php:32


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AnyBackup Family Release Notes

2021-12-09 403 0
This document provides last-minute information about AnyBackup Family New features, new compatibilities, and enhancements can be found in the following sections of this document.
The release version of AnyBackup Family is available from December 1, 2021. If you are upgrading from previous versions, please review the upgrade guide closely before performing the upgrade.
See next:
- Key Features
- New Features
- New Compatibilities
- Enhancements

Key Features
New Key Features
 ●  [Hybrid Cloud Disaster Recovery] This feature is specified for KVM-based VMs. VMs can be replicated to Huawei Cloud continuously, and takeover and exercise at any point in time are available.
- Real-time IO Monitor and Replication: This feature is built based on the volume CDP, which continuously monitors the data changes of the VMs and then replicates to Huawei Cloud.
- Continuous Incremental Replication: The disaster recovery jobs will not exit in peak hours or when the network is broken, and incremental replication will be performed continuously after the environment is recovered.
- Auto Resource Creation: Huawei Cloud DR Servers and Volumes can be created automatically. Users do not need to deploy in advance.
- Takeover and Exercise at Any Point in Time: Snapshot management can be performed for Huawei Cloud DR server and real-time IO will be recorded, so that takeover and exercise at any point in time can be provided.
Note: This capability will be supported for other platforms and the repair capabilities of heterogeneous environment will be enhanced in the following versions.
 ●  [AlwaysOn Framework V2] This feature enhances the openness of the product based on user ID authentication and user management system. Besides username and password authentication, multiple authentication modes like Cas Server, OAuth 2.0 and AK/SK are added. AD domain users can be imported, helping customers create users in batches, divide roles, and manage user identities. In addition, debug and retry can be realized and scenarios can be quickly recurred via API request records.
- Cas Server Authentication: AnyBackup console can be logged in to via Cas Server authentication.
- OAuth 2.0 Authentication: User information can be obtained with the third party by taking AnyBackup console as the authentication server, realizing AnyBackup-based user ID authentication.
- AK/SK Authentication: With AK/SK issued by users, login via Web or the API call using SDK configuration is supported.
- AD Domain User: Domain users can be imported manually or automatically by configuring the AD domain server, so that the AnyBackup console can be logged in via the domain accounts.
- API Request Management: Via API request records, scenarios can be recurred and new API calls can be initiated via data edit , so that the needs for rapid creation, editing and Dev/Test can be satisfied.
- Web plug-in: Page content can be customized, so that the needs for developing new service modules can be satisfied.
 ●  [Anti-ransomware] Forced data retention is supported for backup jobs.
- Forced Data Retention policy can be enabled for backup jobs.
- Forced Data Retention policy cannot be disabled once it is enabled. The duration can only be modified longer, but not shorter.
- Backup data cannot be deleted by any user if the duration of Forced Data Retention is not reached.
- Modification of system time will not affect the protection duration of Forced Data Retention policy.
Optimized Key Features
 ●  [VMware Backup] Heterogeneous recovery is supported.
- Virtual machines on VMware can be recovered to FusionCompute. Automatic repair is supported, including startup repair, mount point repair, registry repair and virtio driver installation. Furthermore, a new FusionCompute recovery solution is supported which achieves faster recovery.
Note: This capability will be supported for other platforms in the following versions.

New Features
 ●  [Report] Capacity statistics based on jobs and objects are supported.
Backup and Recovery 
 ●  [Data Compression] Data compression can be set when D2C and D2D2C job are created.
 ●  [Data Encryption] Data encryption can be set when D2C and D2D2C job are created.
 ●  [H3C CloudOS] Backup quota and capacity statistics are supported.
- Backup quota can be set by system administrator for certain organization.
- Quotas and capacities used by all organizations can be viewed by system administrator.
- Quotas and capacities used by the current organization can be viewed by organization administrator.
 ●  [H3C CAS] Host-level data source can be selected for backup.
 ●  [OpenStack] Backup for EasyStack by general solution is supported.
 ●  [MogDB] Physical backup for MogDB standalone is supported.
 ●  [Exchange DAG] Backup for Exchange DAG is supported.
 ●  [DB2 DPF Cluster] Backup for DB2 DPF cluster is supported.
 ●  [DB2 DPF Cluster] OS authentication (non-password mode) is supported for DB2 DPF cluster backup.
 ●  [OpenGauss] Physical backup for OpenGauss standalone is supported.
 ●  [MySQL]
- The Percona XtraBackup component in physical backup is upgraded from version 2.4.21 to 2.4.24. Some bugs are fixed.
- The Percona XtraBackup 8.0 component in physical backup is upgraded to version 8.0.26. MySQL 8.0.26 and older versions can be backed up.
- Physical backup is supported for keepalived cluster and HACS cluster.
- Physical backup is supported for MySQL on ARM platform.
 ●  [GoldenDB]
- Physical backup is supported for GoldenDB standalone.
- Physical backup is supported for GoldenDB cluser (active-standby).
 ●  [D2D2C]
- Data cleanup is supported.
- SAP HANA can be backed up.
 ●  [MongoDB] MongoDB can be backed up cloud storages.
 ●  [GaussDB] Archive log PITR backup is supported for GaussDB.
 ●  [Object Storage] Object aggregation is supported for object storage backup jobs.
 ●  [Group Management] Backup jobs can be added to the groups created, so that backup jobs can be managed.
Copy Data Management
 ●  [Oracle VM] Copy data management for Oracle VM is supported.
- Supported functions include:
- Data Backup
- Data Recovery
- Data Cleanup
 ●  [Oracle] Complete recovery is supported during instant recovery.
 ●  [Oracle] CDM jobs and full backup jobs for Oracle can be executed concurrently.
 ●  [Client] CPU quota can be set for certain client so that the specified CPU can be used by the job process on this client.

New Compatibilities
Backup and Recovery 
 ●  [File System]
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 x86_64
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 x86_64
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 x86_64
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux8.3 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux8.4 x86_64
- Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64
- Ubuntu 17.10 x86_64
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 sp2 x86_64
 ●  [MongoDB]
- MongoDB 4.0.4 + Centos 7.9 + Standalone/Replica Set/Sharding Cluster
- MongoDB 4.0.5 + Centos 7.6 + Standalone/Replica Set/Sharding Cluster

- MongoDB 4.0.10 + Centos 7.6 + Standalone/Replica Set/Sharding Cluster
 ●  [Oracle]
- Oracle Linux 8.2 + Oracle 21.3
- OS Solaris 11.1 supported
 ●  [MySQL Physical Backup]
- All the subversions of MySQL 5.5 (5.5.0~5.5.62, 63 in total)
- All the subversions of MySQL 5.6 (5.6.2~5.6.51, 50 in total)
- All the subversions of MySQL 5.7 (5.7.1~5.7.35, 35 in total)
- MySQL 8.0.11 ~ 8.0.26, 16 in total
- All the subversions of MariaDB 5.5 (5.5.20~5.5.68, 50 in total)
- Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.33
- GoldenDB 5.1.02P4 (Standalone/Cluster)
- MySQL 5.7.27 (Docker container version)
- All the subversions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/7/8 and CentOS 6/7/8 [The latest subversion supported for version 7 and version 8 is 7.9 and 8.1 respectively]
- All the subversions of SUSE Linux Enterprise 12/15 [The latest subversion for version 15 is 15 SP1]
- Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 x86_64
- Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 arrch64
 ●  [Kingbase]
- Kingbase compatible with LOONGSON platform
- Kingbase compatible with Redhat 5 platform
- Kingbase V8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/SW64-based NeoKylin 6.5 and 7.0
- Kingbase V8 compatible with aarch64-based Kylin 4.0.2
- Kingbase V8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/mips_64-based Kylin V10
- Kingbase V8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/mips_64-based UOS20
- Kingbase V8 compatible with x86_64-based Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3
- Kingbase V8 compatible with x86_64-based CentOS 7.7/7.6
 ●  [Dameng]
- Dameng
- Dameng
- Dameng
- Dameng
- Dameng
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/SW64-based NeoKylin 6.5 and 7.0
- Dameng 8 compatible with aarch64-based Kylin 4.0.2
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/mips_64-based Kylin V10
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64/aarch64/mips_64-based UOS20
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64-based Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4/7.2/7.4/7.6
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64-based CentOS 6.9/7.4/7.5/7.6
- Dameng 8 compatible with x86_64-based iSoft Server OS V3.0
 ●  [D2C/D2D2C]
- Ecloud
- UCloud
 ●  [FusionCompute]
- FusionCompute 8.1.1
- OceanStor Pacific 8.1.1
Copy Data Management 
 ●  [Oracle]
- Oracle Linux 8.2 + Oracle 21.3
 ●  [SQL Server]
- Windows Server 2008 R2 + SQL Server 2014
Continuous Data Protection
 ●  [Volume level – Continuous Backup]
- Oracle Linux 7.6
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9
 ●  [Volume level – Continuous Replication]
- Oracle Linux 7.6
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9
 ●  [Console]
- AB3100
- AB3200
- Software version: UNIONTECH UOSv20 + Hygon 7280 x86
- Software version: UNIONTECH UOSv20 + Kunpeng 920 ARM
 ●  [Client]
- Oracle Solaris 11.1 SPARC_64
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.0 x86_64
- Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.9 x86_64
- Ubuntu 16.10 x86_64
- Ubuntu 18.10 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 x86_64
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 x86_64
- Windows 11 x86_64
- UnionTech OS Server 20 Enterprise mips_64 / uniontechos-server-20-enterprise-1031-mips64el, [CPU] Loongson 3B4000 (mips)
- Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 mips_64/Kylin-Server-10-SP1-mips64el-Release-Build18-20210809, [CPU] Loongson 3B4000 (mips)

 ●  [Email] The sender name of alarm emails can be customized.
 ●  [AnyShare] Application-level backup jobs can be started when offline clients exist in the application system.
 ●  [Oracle Backup and Recovery] Log deletion policy is optimized.
- The function of Forced Log Deletion is removed.
- The logic of deleting logs 0 days ago is optimized. Archive logs not backed up will not be deleted.
- Log backup is optimized to avoid repetition.
- The backup data can still be used if exceptions occur after the backup finishes (the backup status will be Fail).
 ●  [Oracle CDM] Log deletion policy is optimized.
- The deletion policy is changed to Local Archive Log Deletion Policy and Log Volume Archive Log Deletion Policy.
- Log deletion logic is optimized to prevent logs used for recovery from being deleted due to improper policy configuration.
 ●  [Oracle CDM] The passwords of two nodes in an Oracle dual-HA can be inconsistent.
 ●  [SQL Server] Alerts will be given when transaction log backup is performed for SQL Server in Simple mode, and this database will be skipped.
 ●  [Continuous Backup] The maximum device count supported by CDP drivers of continuous backup jobs with 3.10.0.-1062 Linux kernel is 4096.
 ●  [SAP HANA] Multiple data transfer threads can run simultaneously.
 ●  [File System] Multi-threaded recovery is supported to improve performance.
 ●  [Job Concurrency] A six-node backup domain supports 480 running backup jobs concurrently.
Interaction Optimization
 ●  [Logo] The login interface and product logo are optimized.
 ●  [File System] All data is selected by default as the data source when a backup job is being created or edited.
 ●  [Backup Policy] A risk tip is added when a backup policy is being configured.
- The start time for different backup policies must be set properly. For jobs applied with backup policies at the same start time, one of them will be backed up randomly.
- At least one full backup policy shall be configured. Jobs without a full backup policy may have security risks.
 ●  [Job Details] The storage space occupied by the current job can be viewed.
 ●  [Data Cleanup] Clean up Archive Data is added. The original “Data Cleanup” is changed to “Clean up Backup Data”.
 ●  [AnyShare] The resource type of “Content Cloud” is changed to “AnyShare”.
 ●  [Object Storage] Bucket can be entered manually when you are adding an object storage.
 ●  [D2C/D2D2C] The query point in time is optimized from minute-level to millisecond-level when a job is being queried.

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